



北京时间9月2日最新消息。在今夏小丸工具箱压缩后没有怎么办的转会市场上小丸工具箱压缩后没有怎么办,巴塞罗那俱乐部高层在一系列球员转会中所表现出来的业余小丸工具箱压缩后没有怎么办,令全世界球迷都叹为观止。《阿斯报》则最新曝光了巴萨高层在另一桩转会交易中的丑闻。(Marco Verratti was one of the names that sounded more strongly at the beginning of the summer to reinforce FC Barcelona .)

需要指出的是小丸工具箱压缩后没有怎么办,巴黎圣日耳曼中场大将维拉蒂,是巴萨第一巨星梅西钦点的头号引援目标,从5月份起,梅西就向俱乐部建议引进此人。当时有消息称巴萨报价6000万,而大巴黎还价1亿。(Or that made believe since the Camp Nou , because it has been known in the last few hours, actually Barca never worked on the signing of the Italian midfielder. In the Catalan offices, no call was made to Paris .)

但是,媒体最新报道表明,实际上对于梅西的建议,巴萨高层根本没听进去,巴萨也从没有就维拉蒂的转会提交过正式的报价,只是敷衍性的同巴黎询价,随后就不了了之了。而维拉蒂为了配合梅西,还一度闹到了罢训的地步。(Marco left his tongue with Neymar and the Brazilian did not take half a second to warn his friend Leo Messi . The carioca knows that one of the conditions to renew the Argentine is that the club culé build a project of guarantees, and the Brazilian warned Leo that, at least in this operation, the leaders had not moved a finger.)


最后,内马尔在加盟巴黎后,则明确告诉维拉蒂巴萨根本没有买小丸工具箱压缩后没有怎么办他的诚意,梅西也因此感到颇为受伤,这也是巴萨单方面宣布梅西续约后,梅西至今人没有在新合同上签字的最主要原因。(Information that also knew Unai Emery , to which the cameras of the television of Seville captured explaining the matter to the very same Ernesto Valverde and to Eduardo Berizzo , the present trainer of the set Andalusian.)